I have decided(solved) to write the message to Mankind, On a pattern of the document - do not create to itself an idol - me this is pleasant фоðìàòèê - and what for to write on the new document воðд - when it is possible again to pay attention to these perfect words - this доêуìåнòèê I have named - do not create an idol and it correctly - not ñоòвоðÿйòå to itself of idols - for it ïоñòûдноå a show - when the crowds of the People - which should refer to as as the People - turn to obedient herd - conducted under shouts - зèã õàйль - or - êоììунèзì will win - or - in a name of the Christ - or in a name àллàõà … and so on - and èЯ intentionally I do not write now word õðèñòоñ and àллàõ - from the large letter - for - where there is a fanaticism - transforming these self-named ñàïèåнñов in herd - there is not present - Àллàõà Christ … - such ìо ё word Нàдåлÿåвà Àнàòолèÿ - which was born in city Boon Вåùåнñê - Where river of Amur and Зåÿ merge in kiss - and having got mixed up - flow in great Ocean … - by the way - old name of the river of Amur - given åù ё up to opening these grounds Russian ïåðвоïðоõодцàìè - old name - Black Дðàêон - and this Theme I mention in the second part of my philosophical fairy tale - Àõ yes - I has distracted - So And who can set that to me a question: - and what you want from us - Àнàòолèй Õðèñòоñ Êðèøнà - or how there you вåлèчàòь - Êðèøнà Õðèñòоñ SaiBis (? - do not create to itself idols - for - the one who is subject to influence of different idols - and ñàìонàдåÿно considers(counts) itself Õоìо Ñàïèåнñоì - is mistaken in the self-confident statement - Õоìû Ñàïèåнñû the idols if for example бåзондåðåñ are not subject to influence of idols - for - to judge, therefore and consequently as in general(common) accordingly þбðèãåнñ - to consider(count) so, that a pier I ñàïèåнñ - but - doubt in this case.. .. And - nearly has not overlooked(forgotten) - in обчåì обчèì idols if they òàùàòьñÿ from êуìèðовàнèÿ is for example ïåðвоêлàñнèêè in school which with colours - and brag - speak and at me that àñòðû - and another - yours àñòðû фèãнÿ complete - at me what òåòðàдêè - and third - and at me neither òåòðàдоê nor àñòð is not present - ìàìàøà with ïàïàøåй ñуêè, one week буõàþò and is not present at me ннè òåòðàдоê àñòð sandwiches - and well ñуêè open your portofolioes and your sandwiches give - I æðàòь I want - instead of that I shall give you ïèздþлåй... - and so they also brag - but it how I spoke, ïåðвоêлàñнèêè for example - And you what - in ïàìïåðñàõ? - such Õоìоñàïèåнñèàдû... Homosapensiadi

the Biography

So ïðèêольно - wanted to make more beautifully text and it has turned out àбðàêàдàбðà - and consequently - I fasten with this business and I shall place in the evening other document - in воðдå to me знàêоìåå вñ ё - and here certainly зàèбèñь вñ ё, but new - for now ðàзбåðёøьñÿ that time lose and it(him) I shall work for me a little always - on this theme till January 13 - and beginnings of December 24 is on German and Russian dates a christian holiday and though I and Êðèøнà and like as èндуñ - but I åù ё both Õðèñòоñ and вðо дå as Too I have this most as it(him) there - well unimportantly - And I have recollected - And Christian as - only not orthodox - well that for õуйнÿ - if I orthodox - that - others - that - not orthodox - is not consent. And I as and ìуñульìàнèн - but - not devout - And others what? - not devout - what? - Them means on ñêовоðодêу - õуÿ to itself - have thought up - disagree so in the evening I shall place on this theme my treatment from åбàнуòоãо of the Christ Êðèøнû - see as I suffer from yours ïðàвовåðноñòè both ïðàвоñлàвноñòè and ïåðвоздàнноñòè - and åù ё доõуÿ that is at you on this theme - And at me a theme one - Love near as itself - and will be at you here вñ ё Ñàè Бèñ - and on êàйфу will be with you òуñовàòьñÿ - and now êàйфà a little.. .. And on this theme I send you on page - now I shall look the name - I there is written on a theme ïåðñïåòèв - not on that theme burning on which now I write and on prospect - further - that is - there are kinds well there ïàðноêоïûòнûå, èнфузоðèè òуфåльêè different and yours also kind - зàïàìÿòовàл as it(he) there êлèчåòñÿ that that about зоïàðêà I recollect - but I do not remember precisely that --- I remember only words of my friend Нèêолàÿ Ãоãолÿ which here on the general(common) bases worked on the theme - And it(he) has written in the comments to the auditor what to laugh it would be necessary above a devil and êуìïåль - and I now ïðèêольноå a word shall tell on this theme - and ïðèøол to it(him) a devil ïðèêèнйвøèйñÿ овåчêой - and ïðоблåÿл thin ãолоñочêоì - бåбåбåбå - open doors ïоæàлуñòà -ÿ has brought to you зàèбèñь much that - and has opened it(he) a door овåчêå and ïоïèздåл on different зàèбàòåльñêèå of a theme - and овåчêà wanted to hang up noodles on уøè to it(him) as however and Another ïðèõодèвøèì in different time and working in different contexts and ïодòåêñòàõ - and noodles was tasty on kind - but - she(it) did not know, This овцà - that at Winni Puchow good sense of smell - and at us is the tasty noodles - in зàвèòêè with which by this овåчêå вðубèòьñÿ never - valid ìåõàнèñòèчноñòè of thinking - and it(he) - has taken for øèвоðоò this овåчêу and has opened the strong door and and having turned овåчêу by back - you have told to it(her) - that ïèздèøь! - if want come not in sheep øêуðêå - and we shall sit - ïоïèздèì - and time such business - about noodles - that go êà you - and has given ïèнêà under æоïу to this devil and this devil - has departed êувûðêàÿñь and let flies there where it(he) flies... And at us here in an apartment gas - And at you?... (yes - and about all these devils - do not think please that I ïðоêлèнàþ all who am pinned in their contexts - as fairly has noticed Dear by me Лобñàнã Ðàìïà:,, It is not necessary to damn darkness - It is necessary simply light a candle … Be who can - that peers from darkness - in hope to be issued … - and consequently I understanding all interrelations - anybody never ïðоêлèнàþ - they are simply unfortunate - and them it is sincerely a pity … - but it does not mean that - that it is possible to come to me with a jug filled ãàвноì - Giving out it(him) for heavenly àìðèòу …) Àõ yes - about Ãоãолÿ - On German has transferred(translated) His(its) words - beklagen Sie nicht auf dem Spiegel - wenn Fratze ist Krimm - to my friends to like my translation.. .. About idea - hi them I transfer(pass) - Peter - wie gehts Dir - hat ich nicht fergessen deine werke - Du spielen ganz die gute musik auf deine klawier in drausen - Ich sitze etzt in meine zimmer und schraib ich zur welt meine Worte, und wenn welt nicht hoeren und denken was ist ganz witze von wahnsin - mir ist scheis egal - wenn passiert etwas so - ist die loete ferstanden … und passiert bai konkret Mensch noe glaube - und das ist auch gut zum mir - unmoeglich erkleren zum edem - und hab ich kein lust erkleren - hab ich lust zum meine witze und darueber zum Frauen schoenes auch - das ist mehr zu mir interesant - ich whunsche dir ganz besondere die gute - und in hundert mal mehr - mit meine whunsche... Zum eden bekant meine - sende von mir Hello - in kuerze zeit wieder fahre ich nach Bremen und in drausen meine witze Machen wilst ich. - also - ich endet will - keine zeit...

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