натолий ’ристос from cities of Blagoveshchensk on Amur
I sit on a roof moved is global
Also I knock on a drum
All of memoirs of children's songs is complete
In which the boy cheerful, knocks on a drum
By sticks from a maple Е
Sits on a roof and knocks on a drum
Music not of military parade-grounds and parades
Vibrations heavy, unpleasant for hearing
And music of Soul
»зраненной by centuries of your errors, falls and superstitions Е
Hier ist ein Mensch. Er wird nicht gehn
Wenn Du versuchst, ihn zu verschtehn.
Hier ist ein Mensch, der will zu Dir
Du hast ein Haus? - Oefne die Tuer Е
I sit on the moved roof of a shed and болтаю by legs.
I knock on a drum by sticks from a maple and you to remind I wish.
Who you such Е who you such? Е
Both why Е. And why? Е
And why - 12 chairs receive only then - Only then Е
In the evening money - morning chairs Е in the Morning money - evening chairs Е
In one month money Е In one month chairs Е
There is no money? - Earn on chairs Е
It is the law of all universe Е
Called - law причинно of investigation communications(connections)
Being expressed language of banal erudition - арма Е
арма, карма, карма, карма Е ‘атум, фатум, фатум, фатум Е
In the morning money - evening chairs Е
Sit on is global to the moved roof of a shed
I knock on a drum and legs болтаю
From children's songs I am dragged and where that вдаль I depart
Also that that there to you to remind I wish Е
What and you could knock on your drums Е
By sticks from a maple Е
Du willst das nicht hoeren
Wer sich plagt - sagst du gewint Е
Doch Du muesstest wissen
Auch das Gluek ist manchmal blind
Du hast ein Haus? - Oeffne die Fenster, oder die Tuer Е
Oder, oder, oder Е Klapp - fen - stern - chen Е
This blues here
’ристос јнатолий Ќадел¤ев рождЄнный in city of Blagoveshchensk on Amur of February 21, 1962 - Russia
At the given mo
ment проживаюший in city Buende (Bu/Ende?) - Germany