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Nadeljaew Anatolj Christus Krishna Buddha - was born on February, 21, 1962 - in the city of Blagowestschensk on Amur - villages Kukuewka - the Amur area - the countries of Russia
Hello Dear employees of the European parliament.
Deutsch wariant Franse wariant Russisch wariant*********
I have found your site of the European parliament... - Yesterday at night when I dispatched letters on the world, to electronic addresses which for me have collected, under my request, my friends. – For itself collect enough of addresses could not, owing to huge quantity(amount) of the information which translated from Russian on German language. (the information moves in direct and allegorical forms because I respect People and I think, that the person himself should understand, in a submitted informative material. Is, I think, it is correct) – For even in Books on a theological theme, as, for example, in the Christian Bible, in the Islamic Koran, in
Индуистской Бхагават Гите... And others... – all is sent as allegories – accessible to understanding, in that measure, at what level of evolutionary development, at present - there is a person.Already 2 o'clock in the morning – are silent in the house, only sleeps on my berth, my dog and sees good dreams, and the cat sleeps on a chair, and behind a window the snow falls. And in this silence, I also write to you. And thus, I smoke cigarettes, and I drink tea and
ем tasty sweets...Also I think that is very good, that behind a window it is snowing white...
Also I think that the snow white, is pleasant to everything and if, the snow for example, from the sky will fall black, from particles contained in an atmosphere from the burned down oil, burning cities... Or from soot from woken up volcanos... - Or, the snow from clouds will fall white – but... – But there will be it(he), with the radioactive particles carried by air streams on all planet... – and thereof, it will be impossible to play to kiddies in snow games what to not receive a doze of a pernicious irradiation contained in this fatal snow. Which, will thaw – and
потечёт ручьями in the rivers, lakes, water basins, and oceans in the spring. In which, the fish whom fishermen catch and which is eaten with people floats. – And water from the rivers and ручьёв and lakes drink cows who give milk, and people do(make) cheese of this milk, and it(him) eat... - And this water... - both to People and Cows, will drink rather dangerously, owing to вышеизложеного... However, as well as cheese to eat... It is not important what, Dutch or French...But at present, while it is not present – both the snow goes pure(clean) and white behind a window.
Further – I put(apply) at the end of this document, the address on which I send this letter to you, Dear sirs.
You can see(overlook) this document on my site, with musical registration and
графикой to the point...So – In the beginning of the document – you have read the text – which says – That I am Nadeljaev Anatoly - an embodiment of the Christ of Krishna of the Buddha - and was born in Russia, in the Amur area, the city of Blagoveshchensk on Amur. – Which in German has two values – Wohl Verkuenden am Amur - and - (Wohl Ver Ku Enden) - which Decoding I shall not allow here - as a lot of information which will be interesting to you and which,
впрямую is connected to an essence has put in this occasion, is on the connected references to this document...... And about which, known to all of you Mischel Nostradamus, in one of the
центурий has written - That one person in the east will be born - and will live in the West... Also that it(he) will print now on a computer these lines, and to smoke cigarettes and there are sweets...Well all right - Have joked and will suffice.
That I want to write to you - dear sirs. I have seen(overlooked) yesterday, attentively your all departments in the European parliament. - Also has seen, how many interesting projects you prepare. - Financial, cultural, agricultural... And other...
Also I want you to ask, after I shall insert in this document now certain information for judgement...
Addition from February, 3
2003-02=71 -
the trajectory of a landing of a shuttle, according to the plan of landing(planting), ran above California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississipi and Florida. - 7.2 -
Schattl has blown up at height 61 Kilometer - 6+1=73 -
onboard was 7 Kosmonauten4 -
has sufferred accident "shuttle" above native staff(state) of the president. Fragments Шатла have fallen on the native land of president USA Georges Bush – Texas5 -
some hours prior to accident Bush has declared, that the patience the USA and their allies runs low, the problem of disarmament of Iraq will be solved within the nearest weeks.(1 p.s-2p.s.-3p.s.-4p.s.-5p.s.-6p.s-7p.s = (
it not in a theme - But - in a theme... That it is possible to put words-, the colossus on clay legs(foots), - and on a theme, whether not too is a lot of accidents and preventions(warnings)...???????)6 -
accident of Columbia has taken place all in 4 days after a anniversary of accident of Challenger (den 28. Januar 1986) = =2+8+1+9+8+6=34 =??????? 7 - the name of a broken spacecraft, COLOMBIA, - Hristofor Columbus has peddled old stuff8 - Und "Kolumbien..."??????? *******
- am Ende des Briefes???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
... So dear sirs - I have written, that I respect people and consequently - Respecting you - I shall not be - to play the favourite games in this important message, and in verbal
эквилибристике concepts and definitions, to hide sense. Which becomes clear to the one who for example from you, is familiar with a science numerology - and simply having counted(considered) total of questions which I have put above - on what the person who is not familiar with numerology, simply will not pay attention. - These questions, have нумерологический sense... In any of higher or below listed contexts...So - In documents on which it is possible to leave, having pressed on the reference, you can find a lot of
information - which is, mine, so to say, the card. For passports are not given out in the other world when we are born on the ground. And all this нумерологическая the information, also is this my heavenly passport.Further - In the information placed above, on accident of the American spacecraft - you can understand, that to America - and to all world - last chance is given. Such signs to America it has been sent
already much. But is very young country - all hardly more than 200 years of development - and presidents there, very young souls. Which certainly - do not trust in accident. (which however simply certain laws of this world - that has been stated by William Shakespeare-, there Is much that, friend Horatio, on light - as did not dream your wise men,To young wise men from America - to be removed(be taken off) circuits of nuclear bombs which they are ready to apply and test - far away from the territory.
If they, were not so far behind ocean. Then they would think a little on another - And if, there were there such destructions, and sufferings what were in Europe during the second world war... - that they would have other thinking...
But anything there such was not - and for this reason - there
so aggressively try to impose to the world the image of vision correct and wrong - Though - preach Christian values. In which it is told-Forgive your enemy...
Substitute other cheek - if you have struck. Think. - Perhaps have struck for business - for your sins...
Do not judge others - yes we do not judge itself you will be...
... Also are ready to act in a new
But however is a mentality of young souls - and about it, on my site, there is an information - yet not transferred(translated) on German language.
And at present - I do not want to write about evolution - I am interested with more prosaic questions...
Me that a civilization which is ready to enter on other level of evolutionary development - and to learn excites, the sciences revealed in connection with fast development, new aspects of life. Can fall to a primitive level of existence. And completely to degrade in
the genetic attitude(relation) in connection with general pollution of biosphere, owing to application of the nuclear weapon) - And at present - on the ground - are born many children - which in the future, should develop this civilization. They are your children - (though I want to notice - that is your children, only in your opinion. - Actually, it simply oppress - which you have given birth) - And that these souls, in connection with a policy(politics) of one state - can lose this future, me and excites now - owing to what, to you both I write now - and I smoke cigarettes and I drink tea and ем tasty sweets. In which stuffing an agar an agar. And on a table there is a mug with hot is expected, and the sandwich with the Dutch cheese lays - want a joke about cheese? - Or about the country promised?And at application of this nuclear weapon because will be poisoned
ручьи and the rivers to flow down in ocean. Thereof - sweets any more will not be for your children. - And it is not pleasant to me. I shall tell fairly.So - dear sirs - I shall not write here an analytical material, about those consequences in a policy(politics), ecology, a financial system if the nuclear weapon - which if this war in the near east will be untied will be applied, sooner or later, will be applied. With that, or other party(side). - In fact agree - with me - the United States - the largest on a planet the manufacturer and the seller of arms. And
whether accident - that нумерогические preventions(warnings), have been given to America on September, 11.?However is a prevention(warning) from above, it has been given to all - who was capable to understand it(him). - And to try to establish with the world other attitudes(relations). - Not on a basis, which now
де факто - the Boss and the subordinate. And on an equal in rights basis. - In fact the world is oversaturated with the weapon made as and in the United States. And not the secret - that Iraq - in due time, received the weapon, at America.Further - I in one
Russian document - (I shall soon transfer(translate)) has written, what psychological complexes - push the American president, on this adventure - Упомяну is brief;There I have written - that
Кеннеди - the man was normal. - And with Women histories were fine at him(it)... - And Хрущёв was normal in the psychological attitude(relation) - alcoholic drinks drank. - And when Russia and America, owing to the certain political opposition, have come nearer to world war - These two leaders, owing to the нормальности (in psychological interpretation) - could stop - Differently I would not write these lines to you - For I was born 1962. - And further I have written, that the today's American president, too sacred (does not drink, does not smoke, with women has no discrediting communications(connections). - And - that the most ridiculous, takes offence at Women who have called it(him) the fool) - And it, there is first attribute of a pathology. Is to you anyone will tell психотерапевт. - (By the way - Гитлер, too was very sacred in this respect - did not smoke... Not saws... With Women if there were communications(connections) - that is known to all, what... - in the world the order wanted to make... (the sacred guy)In general so, dear sirs - On this document - I leave many references to many documents with the information. - Having seen(overlooked) which you can understand, that as well as in a case with America - as and in my case - many
numerical laws - which who that, can count as accidents.And I to you on it shall tell - That in that world - whence I have come - The one who here has sent me -
hopes - that I can let know to you that you builders of the destiny. Also that should rescue the world from politicians in pampers. If you wish for children - which have given birth - the future.If you live by a principle-,
after us though a flood. That on it I can tell, whether that you trust in reincarnation, or do not trust. To me it is indifferent. For I am engaged in the other world - in that you can understand allegorically - on the that fact that I play the music and I sing songs - in the street Bottcherstrasse in city Bremen. - And I sit directly under an arch of a house №9- This my favourite place.-Also I want to notice to you in this occasion - that
the Hell and Paradise - which as who that thinks fondly, are where that far are already out-of-date fairy tales - And a reality will be concluded in that, as the Hell and Paradise - are on the ground. And everyone is there where it(he) receives that lesson which it(he) should receive. And you can tell - that here is how well - we now live in paradise. We do not have war.-It is compelled you to afflict.
Under the law of validity - the one who could help, both has not helped, and has not undertaken any efforts for rescue of the world. Is located there - for that what... - and for that in particular... What to get rid of the indifference and error in
разделённости with all world...So, the action - or inactivity... - Each person, does(makes) the future...
*But now conversation not
about your future - and about the future of your children. Which were born what to live on this planet. - that excites me. - And your future, you will make... Signs to you enough, and that these signs in sign system of deaf mutes, (that however not always) - not my fault) - And if these children will not live on a planet which refers to-, the Fine planet of water moves. - And this planet will be destroyed and infected as a result of nuclear war, and the subsequent degradation of all biosphere... - That you - I hope - understand, who will live here??????? - (whether you trust in reincarnation, or do not trust - me it is indifferent) - And on this theme a fairy tale...* - in which all of you, the action or inactivity - will put a grammatic sign (*) so - as will consider necessary (owing to freedom of will). - Except for this allegory, I am simple I can not write anything more. - As is higher, has already written to you - that I respect people and I think, that I write not to fools, and I hope, that all of you will understand in this document with the connected references. - That I wanted you to tell...So - employees of EuroParliament - I am Anatoly Nadeljaev from city of Blagoveshchensk - 7 years, frequently coming of the small city which refers to Buende - that means the union... - and playing, the music in the city of Bremen - under Arhistratiga Michael's big panel.
I speak you - Stop this war - and then you and your descendants will have the future. - Communicate with all universities, the organizations of the world - let everyone will arrange protests
- all scientists, all financiers (which are able to count well -/я I hope they will understand - that they do not have future in the above described contexts/) all all all of you...You in February should make the future - or - you receive that future
what you are worthy.For - everyone receives that - that it(he)
достоин.On it all
Told I think - enough.
p.s. - Dear employees of EuroParliament... - me a little that interests in this world - my favourite
I have written to you only because the situation is very serious and at the end of February - there comes an epoch
водолея - And readout of time which is at your order - goes not for months or weeks - the account goes for days and hours... (can read this message to soldiers who want to send on massacre - I forbid, Him(It) to shoot - let refuse to carry out the order - they too make the choice, between a hell and paradise on the ground...)Do(Make) the future - each of you who will make efforts this, can it perfect - easy to arrive to the city of Bremen - On Saturdays and Sundays, I sometimes arrive to Bremen both I play music and I sing songs there. Is to me to like. From it, I receive pleasure. Taking place children show me language - and I to them too. - And to everyone who will make the efforts, rescue of your world in which I on business trip, on
work... - I to you, shall shake hands, the hand, on which tattoo OMMANIPADMEHUMAnd my picture - is dear from the God to the God
Besides I more can make nothing for you. - I work as day... For the future of your children...
On it all
Yours faithfully and a wish of Love and Validity
Anatoly Nadeljaev from the city of Blagoveshchensk on Amur
Blagowestschensk auf Amur - Buende
Russland - Deutschland
P. S.-... And still - as has mentioned above, нумерологические what details - that here again still, it is a little упомяну that on this theme...
Russia - a telephone code of the country... 007 = 7
Germany - 16 federal grounds - 16 = 7
And about it I plan, when or to write - is at me on this theme - one allegorical fairy tale...
I address directly, through you, People - to the President of Germany...
Forbid to the American planes, for the period of this crisis - to use air corridors of Germany. - Be the free state, instead of a puppet transatlantic шизофренических bosses... Spitting on all world community and on you as...
Forbid for a while this crisis, flights of the American military planes, on air corridors of Germany. - you the free state - or puppets? - whether you Understand - WHO - has placed me in this small city of Bjunde? - And WHO, through me, wants to inform for you the information?
Who you? - I want you to ask? - the Puppet on побегушках? - Or the free state?
The fine small small town in which I now live - has name БЮНДЕ - that is BUNDNIS = 7 - * the union *
B1L2A3G4O5W6E7S8T9S10C11H12E13N14S15K16 = 1 + 6 = 7 = who you - I want you to ask?-My Mother has Valentine's Name. - Make for children-, Valentines day,
If for you
валентинов day will be made by mad schizophrenics - that this day will be for you terrible...***
This document I devote to Mother Valentine and favourite Grandmother Uljane
Anatoly Nadeljaev Hristos Krishna Budda
Blagoveshchensk -